A Field Guide to The Turtles of Hong Kong
‘A Field Guide to the Turtles of Hong Kong’ is the latest and most comprehensive guide of its kind for the identification of turtle species in Hong Kong. As a self-published and funded work, no limitations were placed on format or content and as a result this book was designed first and foremost for the reader, with an intuitive system used to help the average person quickly and easily identify turtles they encounter in the wild.
Hong Kong boasts a significant diversity for such a small geographic territory with more than 6 native, and many more introduced species, 11 of which are covered in this book. Cryptic Beale’s four-eyed turtles, robust big-headed turtles, softshell turtles and several box turtles make up some of the many wonderful species that can be found on the trails streams, rivers and ponds around Hong Kong.